URL Template

Your content channel must know how to build a URL to a specific content type. To make your content channel work correctly with a content type, you have to specify a URL generation template. 
To define a URL template:

  1. Go to the 'Content Type Settings' form.
  2. Enter a URL generation template into the 'Value' field:

URL generation template uses the following parameters:

    • [ROOTALIAS] - your website address. Usually set when adding a new connector on "Add Connector" page.
    • [PORTALID] - id of a portal.
    • [CONTENTTYPE] - content type.
    • [CONTENTID] - content id.
    • [CULTURECODE] - culture code of a website page.
    • [CULTURECODEID] - culture code id.
    • [CULTURECODESLUG] - alternative culture code used by website to align proper language version by language slug in URL (could be used for episerver).
    • [PATH] - content path regarding the [ROOTALIAS]

    Here is an example of a simple URI template: "[ROOTALIAS]/[CULTURECODE]/[PATH].aspx".

    And this is an example of a link built by system in this case: "http://episerver.ilangl.com/en/sample.aspx/".

Note: URL generation template is not applicable when working with a file connector.